
Castello Borelli and its residences in “Corte del Castello” are the protective garrison of the Monte Picaro Park, a natural path among autochthonous essences, vegetable gardens and secular plants with an unmissable view of the Mediterranean sea.

The restoration and redevelopment of the buildings within the walls, create a harmony between landscape, history and avant-garde sustainable living.

The castle, totally immersed in nature with a view of the Ligurian Sea, can boast unique landscape peculiarities in the world, thanks to the unraveling of paths
that embrace the entire park, from the sea to the peak.

The redevelopment project includes the recovery of agricultural and forest areas, thanks to the collaboration with business operators and their "cultivar" (to
grow) activities (aromatic plants, vineyards, olive trees, gardens, pines, oaks ...) guests will benefit directly, contributing to the functionality and vitality of the park.